To me, this one really seems like a no brainer, but then I sit and really think on it, how many of this world's issues and questions are formed around not going? So much certainty is expressed in the space of question, the fear of not going building such a deep insecurity that it is then expressed as complete certainty.
It reminds me of a conversation I was fortunate to have with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson a few weeks ago. He was talking about how so many folks are critical of space exploration, using the argument that we have earth problems to deal with first so there is no need to head to space. I admit that I have had this exact thought and have expressed it more than once. Dr. Tyson's logic made use of the cave metaphor. If our ancestors who dwelt in caves would have used the justification of not going, where would we be?
Imagine, Joe Rockcrusher is chilling with his cousin Demarcus Stoneface and Demarcus says, "Joe, do you ever wonder what is out past that land-bulge?" Joe, having heard his cousin's wild notions before, sighs and says, "Look, man, I've told you this before. Out there, there's nothing there. Besides, we've got cave problems to deal with. We need to sort those out first before we go running off into THAT!"
Where would we be if Demarcus didn't say Fuck It and run for the hills? Well, we would still be sitting in caves scratching our butts with sticks probably. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good butt-scratching just as much as the next, but the Quest is as integral a part of our DNA as procreation. The unending urge to explore and press ourselves past current limitations is essential to our growth as individuals, cultural speaking, and certainly for the evolution of our species.
Looking at modern times, if we do not fly past our current set of paradigms, then we will perish from this earth. Perhaps like never before, our very survival requires us to radically shift every aspect of understanding and to re-imagine our relationship with every angle of life. Simply looking around oneself and seeing the division and destruction that is a result of our current modalities makes it abundantly clear the level of change needed for our continued existence.
Simple enough, right? Change if what is happening is not working. Well, the problem lies in two basic ingredients: 1) Folks are unwilling to let go, 2) Folks are unwilling to go. If your cup is full of dirty water, ain't got no room for clean water. If the faucet that gives you that dirty water is right here, ain't got no reason to go trekking for that clean spring you've heard about.
The recipe I follow for this is nothing new or special, but it could be perceived as difficult if you're looking with your current lenses. So first, clean out those old and tired eyes, and let's check it out with some freshness. First, if you think you know something, forget it. That's really step one. You have to make space for new information for come in, the processor that is your brain does not have unlimited capacity. Once you've made space, then new experience can bear the fruit of understanding. But this can't come from just wishing it, you must will it.
If you think ditching old cycles of the self is difficult, then perhaps the next stage is a little advanced. However, if you're lighter and more free than when you began, here's the next step...GO!!!
It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter how(yes, it kind of does, but we've got time for that), just go. I could say that it has to look like this or that, but that's unimportant to start. The key is to go, let yourself be free and vulnerable to experience. Maybe then, you will see what has been in front of you this whole time. Bon chance.
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